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2009-02-25 地道にコツコツと [長年日記]

_ おことわり

以下の文章は素人のヨタ... 馬鹿の戯言 なのであまり信用しないように...。

_ [開発][Linux] AjaxとWebサーバの問題点

改めてGoogleMapなどの例を挙げるまでもなく。 GoogleなどのWebアプリケーションの持つ 軽快感はAjax技術による ところが大きいわけです。 しかし、ページ遷移がなく、非同期イベントで軽快に部分部分が書き換わるというAjaxアプリケーションの特性は、 結果的に 大量の通信イベントを引き起こします。 もちろんGoogleのように数万〜数十万台?の分散サーバ(クラウドサーバ)を持つ企業はいいわけですが、 個人サーバだとアクセス数がネックだというお話。

_ [開発][Linux] Ajaxチャットサーバを作ったが...

ここ1週間くらいAjaxチャットサーバを作っていたのですが、仲間うちで運用しようとするとどうしようもなく重い。 チャットというのは見掛けよりリアルタイム性の高いアプリケーションなので、けっこう難しいのだ。 無論「チャットごとき」が難しいのは俺のプログラミング能力が低いことによるのだが....。

誰かが文章をタイプしてENTERキーを押したとき、それは一瞬でメンバー全員に同報したい。 昔のWeb掲示板で、F5キーを連打して「更新されないかなー」と待った覚えがある人もいるでしょう。 しかしこれ 簡易DOS攻撃 になりえます。 Re::Monologueさんのまとめが最もわかりやすいです。 ポーリング実装はアレなので回避することにする。

_ [開発][Linux] Comet実装

上記ポーリングに対する答えがCometという技術による疑似サーバプッシュです。これは要するに 「サーバにコネクション張りっぱなしにして(データ返さないで)クライアント待たせればいいんじゃね?」 という話。 現実にはクライアントタイムアウトがあるので永続性はないのですが、現状は汎用的なWebブラウザとノンプラグインで サーバプッシュを実装するには、Cometしかないみたい。 JavaScript側のコードについてはCodeZineさんが詳しい。 というか俺はこれをマルパクした(笑)


  • 多数のクライアントを待たせておく
  • あるとき、メッセージが登録されてウェイトが一斉に外れる
  • 当然クライアントからサーバにリクエストが集中する
  • さらにクライアントの状態が変わった場合、ログイン状態などを更新するためのAjax.Updaterなども集中する
  • すぐ上記CometLongPoll()のコネクションは張り直さないと次のメッセージを取りこぼす

という問題が発生する。というか発生した。CodeZineさんはサーバサイドをネイティブJavaでコーディングしていたが、 俺はApache2 + Perlスクリプト。PerlはIO::Socket select()とSQLite3を使った同期をするわけね。 まあ本質的にこの構造が良くないんだがね....SQLite3は行ロックはおろかテーブルロックですらない DBロック なので(だよね?) 、誰かが使っていると絶対に他の処理はCommit()できない。これに Apache2のCGIの起動の遅さ が加わると 壊滅的になる。

_ [開発][Linux] POE::Component::Server::HTTPによる実装

なのでチャット用Webサーバは自作せざるを得ない...という話になる(←それ以前にDBMSを変えろよ)。 最初C言語で書こうと思ったのだが正規表現とかいろいろ面倒くさいし、PerlモジュールのPOE::Component::Server::HTTPを使うことにした。サンプルはこんな感じ。これだけでWebサーバが作れちゃう。 これもココからマルパクですが。

use strict;
use POE qw( Component::Server::HTTP );
use HTTP::Status;
sub root_output {
    my ($content_type) = @_;
    return sub {
       my ($req, $res) = @_;
       print "IP:" . $req->{connection}->{remote_ip} . "\n";
       $req->headers->header(Connection => 'close');
       $res->headers->header(CacheControl => 'no-cache');
       $res->headers->header(Pragma => 'no-cache');
       $res->headers->header(Expires => '-1');
       my $html = '<html><body>TEST</body></html>';
       return RC_OK;
my $servers = {};
my @listenports = (8891);
foreach my $serverport (@listenports) {
   $servers->{$serverport} =
               Port => $serverport,
               ContentHandler => {
                   '/'            => &root_output()
exit 0;

とりあえず。チャットサーバのステータス画面(SQLite3検索してCGI::FastTemplateでレンダリングして900bytesくらいのHTMLを出力)をApache2(CGI)とPOEで実装し簡単なベンチマークをとってみた。 なかなかいい感じ に見えるがどうだろうか。


というか Apache2ってマジ遅い んだな...。

Document Length:        869 bytes
Concurrency Level:      16
Time taken for tests:   35.217505 seconds
Complete requests:      300
Failed requests:        0
Write errors:           0
Total transferred:      340500 bytes
HTML transferred:       260700 bytes
Requests per second:    8.52 [#/sec] (mean)
Time per request:       1878.267 [ms] (mean)
Time per request:       117.392 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
Transfer rate:          9.43 [Kbytes/sec] received


Document Length:        869 bytes
Concurrency Level:      16
Time taken for tests:   1.584481 seconds
Complete requests:      300
Failed requests:        0
Write errors:           0
Total transferred:      326400 bytes
HTML transferred:       260700 bytes
Requests per second:    189.34 [#/sec] (mean)
Time per request:       84.506 [ms] (mean)
Time per request:       5.282 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
Transfer rate:          200.70 [Kbytes/sec] received

_ [時事] その頃グーグル先生は・・・




本日のツッコミ(全70件) [ツッコミを入れる]
_ AoiMoe (2009-02-25 02:35)

Apache 通さずに CGI スクリプトを直接 300 回起動しても同じくらいの時間がかかったりしませんか :D

_ (2009-02-25 13:36)

というか単体起動のほうが遥かに遅いのはわかりきってますがな ;-)<br>fork()しまくるわけだから。<br><br>商業サーバだとApacheスレッド数百個常駐のサーバが1000台、<br>なんて構成が単なるフロントエンドだったりするのかしら。<br><br>はて?300プロセス起動してセマフォで待たせておいて一斉に動かしたらどうな(略

_ えとりん (2009-02-25 13:55)


_ AoiMoe (2009-02-26 03:10)


_ (2009-02-26 09:09)


_ ああああ (2012-07-14 21:56)


_ Pharmd37 (2013-02-26 15:59)

Hello! kcfabad interesting kcfabad site! I'm really like it! Very, very kcfabad good!

_ Pharme486 (2013-02-26 15:59)

Very nice site!

_ Pharmc988 (2013-02-26 16:00)

Hello! eebfbkg interesting eebfbkg site! I'm really like it! Very, very eebfbkg good!

_ Pharme863 (2013-02-26 16:00)

Very nice site!

_ DyewDopsy (2013-03-26 23:54)

GHD suppliers didn't remain back again really relaxed however they continued concentrating on we've got the technology to carry round the position because the leader within the aggresive competition. Holograms - True GHDs have hologram 3d stickers around the label and within your hair straightener alone.9.<br><br>Good hair days hair hair straighteners let you preserve the advantage of hair. Some people focus on model planes or automobiles or trains. Step Two: pick a ghd hair straightening metal. You could have tries inside your individual or obtain a good buddy that will help you and just before lengthy you do not you need to be a hair styling professional only one particular at locks styling as properly.<br><br>You want to maintain information of laboratory visits, outcomes, conditions, and treatments you acquired. Common locks could be warmed whatsoever around 300-380 amounts F. Even though the truth you'll be able to effortlessly make use of guarantees an skilled outcomes later on on.<br><br>Anything hairstyling resources that have developed with time into remarkable and contemporary forms, still comes after the older designs and concepts. Environmentally-pleasant luxury Good hair times hair straightening iron includes subsequent characteristics:? This locks straightening iron consists of yellow-colored sparkle 4 ghd straightener for creating thousands of designs from sleek, to collapsing waves.? A dark situation to move this straightner, a really ideal attractive situation to accomplish the surplus accessoriesKaty PerryInches locks are almost no unknown man or lady so that you can lively-coloured material chemical dyes, nevertheless event sheIn .<br><br>Which is why this aged saying remains created the grass usually looks environmentally-pleasant however in the fence. Most of all, have patience producing smart budgeting choices. 4 Flat iron Xmas Shock set. Women also provide smaller sized amounts of the hormone in their method the actual way it genuinely is really a precursor to excess estrogen.<br><br>Area the Good hair days Locks Hair straightening irons, and add about numerous conditioner for the hand of the hands and therapeutic massage the strengthener via. Consequently, you should put lots of time to your beautiful locks. Maintaining the right quantity of vitamins within our blood stream gives our body the extra gas when your diet neglect to provide it.<br><br>It does not subject no subject no matter whether you have directly or frizzy hair. RFID Chip The problem-of-the-art function identify's each metal using its own special ID quantity. This exercising make it easy for people total of self confidence within the run, when discovering difficulty in unpredictable, we will deal with utilizing advancing.

_ awasuadoNab (2013-03-27 11:42)

Sweets intake began in the Synergistic States, has turn the numerous Hollywood actress aliment yield, Britney Spears (Britney Spears), Lindsay Lohan (Lindsay Lohan) and Whitney Doorman (Whitney Mooring)are enthusiasts column. Why it attracts so various celebrities to coadjutor them? Before all, the soi-disant candy keep with a to a noteworthy range uncomplicated, do not penury to cram this compassionate of eatables, no complex cooking steps do not bachelor girl a periodical plan. The no more than attachment you quest of to do is to consign aside the dinner, put when artificial 35 Jelly Belly fudge (calories, 80 calories), a Haribo Starmix fudge (purely 14 calories), some licorice (nearby 100 calories) . After some perpetually, the firmness crane is lightened. Nutritionist Carole Symons said: "sweetmeats intake is the ratiocinate why the purport bequeath be more palpable, the most cardinal put two or plummeted because of vulnerable calorie intake. Calorie reduced weight as a matter of course limit

_ carpinteyroedt (2013-04-18 09:43)

sense can not at any time be offered again, so make the danged initial a solitary count. <br>four. Existing a company handshake, the two to males and girls, charming a look at them straight off. This advocacy sounds so standard, but I cause witnessed its profanation mountains of situations. That handshake and wink impress in impress with conveys both of those your self esteem in oneself as well as your regard recompense your prospect. You can not manage to largely be missing in both circle. <br>5. Be geared up. Separate a predilection in regards to the corporation on the eve of you select to manipulate there there. The online market arise supplies unceasing usage of facts like in no way ahead of in legacy. Be geared up winning of your lash with. Master with perceive to the firm. Be easy with their proportion, politics, community fixed, authorized challenges, fiscal affliction, their items, their prospects, etc&hellip; Your communications with corporation individuals will be far more operative if you inherit there well-schooled. <br>6. Beseech serviceable questions. Lessen them do the talking. Perceive all you can. Your initial scrutinize as described above resolution enable you to poke, asking effective and associated questions to uncover the customers&rsquo; legitimate issues, needs and wants. Pay attention to and make notes. You wishes be seen as organized and cringe before from here inspiring respect from your customer. <br>7. Flower a sales contemplate and a scheme an eye to developing your relationship with this account. Before you can say 'jack robinson'

_ carteyrougf (2013-05-08 17:10)

?><br> <br>?><br> <br>?>

_ Cornelialqj (2013-05-08 17:11)

?><br> <br>?><br> <br>?>

_ biulainducu (2013-05-08 17:11)

?><br> <br>?><br> <br>?>

_ Annabelleulj (2013-05-08 17:55)

?><br> <br>?><br> <br>?>

_ Abigailjls (2013-05-08 18:06)

?><br> <br>?><br> <br>?>

_ Anastasiaafy (2013-05-08 18:42)

?><br> <br>?><br> <br>?>

_ Eleanorefzp (2013-05-08 18:44)

?><br> <br>?><br> <br>?>

_ biulaindubd (2013-05-08 19:27)

?><br> <br>?><br> <br>?>

_ Blanchekup (2013-05-08 19:36)

?><br> <br>?><br> <br>?>

_ Abigailzko (2013-05-08 19:49)

?><br> <br>?><br> <br>?>

_ biulaindgma (2013-05-08 20:04)

?><br> <br>?><br> <br>?>

_ Candancenvt (2013-05-08 20:09)

?><br> <br>?><br> <br>?>

_ Eleanorertb (2013-05-08 22:37)

?><br> <br>?><br> <br>?>

_ carteyrourg (2013-05-08 23:10)

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_ Candancexnb (2013-05-09 02:18)

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_ Eleanoreijz (2013-05-09 05:03)

?><br> <br>?><br> <br>?>

_ carteyrofim (2013-05-09 05:49)

?><br> <br>?><br> <br>?>

_ plalcherkgu (2013-05-09 05:53)

?><br> <br>?><br> <br>?>

_ Candancecvw (2013-05-09 06:30)

?><br> <br>?><br> <br>?>

_ biulaindogr (2013-05-09 07:36)

?><br> <br>?><br> <br>?>

_ Deborahlil (2013-05-09 08:51)

?><br> <br>?><br> <br>?>

_ carteyrogmu (2013-05-09 10:08)

?><br> <br>?><br> <br>?>

_ Jin7n (2013-05-11 13:27)

Ich w盲re froh, wenn eine perfekte Industrie-Standard ge盲ndert. Abgesehen Volvo, wird die beiden anderen Unternehmen giles klagt nicht sprechen. Ford Modell schon gar nicht 眉ber Deren Kommentar. Per Laufe typ Jahre kamen zusammen auf weniger. Via September 2009 erhielten wir Das weiterkommenen Anruf durch Kerl fragte, ob wir rein welcher Notwendigkeit Die promotioner Trommler waren. Nun, 眉berhaupt nicht wirklich, weil wir diese Phantasie Band hatten wir genannt Toten Gleichwohl Sterbenden.

_ Deborahocu (2013-05-15 02:26)

?><br> <br>?><br> <br>?>

_ biulaindpfo (2013-05-15 09:35)

?><br> <br>?><br> <br>?>

_ nornbruff (2013-05-21 17:12)

where could I find the high heel shoes with good quality?

_ Jeans (2013-08-18 01:51)

Initially, the neat contrivance is modest the direct's goggles glasses, and later seat that it really can absorb lid sunlight, at least divergence of the warm up, but also to nurture holy visual focus potential, in the military strive, the evolve is extraordinarily satisfied, then inchmeal in the U.S. to ease open. During The public <br> In quarrel with II, wearing a leather jacket, American pilots continually <br> vestige a fanciful aware sunglasses, access to uncountable countries and regions in the world, giving people the indentation of a bold, vogue hypocritical, with the words from opportunity to shilly-shally, really intransigent, then became popular factor. <br>In 1936, Bausch & Lomb <br>purchase be introduced to the stereotyped societal of sunglasses, but in its close by the start sales displays, most people have pygmy <br>pursuing in Pencil Interdict sunglasses. In this note, Bausch & Lomb was not discouraged by their go over again, the Ray-Ban sunglasses made ??some slight changes, on a late advantage again pushed into the market. Argumentative to the ringlet's expectations, this recognizable modifications of Glare <br>Interdiction sunglasses, not only prices soared, and has suit cooperative of the most in vogue was the best-selling hit. At that values flashing and <br>beforehand, the men said the Connection States is yon each patch a Scintilla Debar sunglasses, and bear on this replication to bear witness to their mettle MAN. Developed later, the ladies <br>take up also ubiquitous ball to Glimmer Disallow sunglasses, while the U.S. pretty ladies wearing Streak Taboo sunglasses actually there is a many nervure, amazingly impressive and zaftig of charm.

_ Selden (2013-08-19 02:21)

Initially, the green doodad is well-deserved the wheelman's goggles glasses, and later imagine that it actually can absorb apogee sunlight, at least divergence of the tender up, but also to persist in candid visual clarity capability faculty, in the military tentative, the development is unequivocally satisfied, then gradation alongside mark in the U.S. to goad open. During The common <br> Hostilities II, wearing a leather jacket, American pilots over again <br> attrition a news knowledgeable sunglasses, access to numberless countries and regions in the possess, giving people the print of a reckless, the fad colliding, with the words from every now to shilly-shally, same unmanageable, then became inferior factor. <br>In 1936, Bausch & Lomb <br>pressure be introduced to the in favour openly of sunglasses, but in its anciently sales displays, most people from lilliputian <br>behalf in Plank Interdict sunglasses. In this on, Bausch & Lomb was not discouraged alongside their apportionment, the Ray-Ban sunglasses made ??some unprofound changes, protracted ago again pushed into the market. Unlucky to the retinue's expectations, this evident modifications of Gleam <br>Taproom sunglasses, not merely prices soared, and has turn one of the most in favour was the best-selling hit. At that time, the men said the Connection States is almost each early a Glimmer Cessation sunglasses, and clasp up this magnifying glass to reveal their mettle MAN. Developed later, the ladies <br>be struck next to also ubiquitous ball to Spark Cessation sunglasses, while the U.S. cute ladies wearing Quiver Obstruct sunglasses actually there is a sporadic punishment <br> organization, outstandingly awe-inspiring and maximum of charm.

_ Smithson (2013-08-19 21:12)

MCM shopping gorgon 2013 creature and summer a muscular advertising <br>MCM, all products are made ??using the finest materials, clockwork, purses using only the most advanced materials, leather is witless, healthy, waterproof and can stand up to UV rays, MCM mark was founded in 1976 in Munich, Germany, is the builder of Hollywood superstar - Michael Cromer, the letters "MCM" mirror Course, Beginning, Munich. MCM barter name supply lines to clothing, apparel and leather-based. MCM chief started to mount leather goods, in the 1980s, the maker's heyday, MCM forming, including jewelery, watches, perfumes, clothing, bags and insignificant leather goods, etc., more than five hundred models of the product. It is the craze, voluptuary and meet products are moderately popular.

_ ijeqsbcj (2013-08-21 19:06)

レイバン メガネ

_ cdwcobrv (2013-08-22 01:04)

クリスチャンルブタン 靴

_ sdkyxhuj (2013-08-22 07:05)

Christian Louboutin 靴

_ mlkknatj (2013-08-22 18:49)

chanel 財布

_ kuhuwnrr (2013-08-23 19:15)

chanel バッグ

_ zsmcvxep (2013-08-24 14:01)

トリーバーチ 店舗

_ koyhvdjh (2013-08-25 17:40)

レイバン 眼鏡

_ rnkkyhjl (2013-08-26 00:34)

レイバン サングラス

_ nkhtwkgz (2013-08-26 07:03)

オークリー ゴーグル

_ tmibgwlm (2013-08-26 19:11)

トリーバーチ 店舗

_ imrsscok (2013-08-27 01:49)

シャネル アウトレット

_ nubsopmm (2013-08-27 08:47)


_ yhxariwf (2013-08-27 16:49)

トリーバーチ 店舗

_ snudqufb (2013-08-27 22:58)

トリーバーチ 靴

_ xrofgmop (2013-08-28 16:01)

トリーバーチ 財布

_ wwbthdus (2013-08-29 15:33)

レイバン 眼鏡

_ Eleanoredoe (2013-12-10 08:06)

?><br> <br>?><br> <br>?>

_ Gustavewai (2013-12-12 04:22)

?><br> <br>?><br> <br>?>

_ Hermosaxxu (2014-01-07 02:35)

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_ Hermosaczi (2014-01-07 13:42)

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_ Gabrielleliz (2014-01-12 01:06)

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_ Candancedcc (2014-10-14 08:33)

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_ Hermosalog (2015-01-20 10:42)

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_ Anastasialij (2015-01-22 19:16)

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_ Evangelineavq (2015-01-26 18:11)

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